Thursday, September 8, 2011


"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12:2

Self-Worth is the sense of one's own value or worth as a person; self esteem; and self respect.
Growing up many if not all of us were introduced to emotional and verbal abuse. We were told lies so people could get what they wanted out of us. Which in some cases led to physical and sexual abuse. We were ran over and dragged along by the one's that we thought were better than us. We was told that we were ugly, fat, dumb, and worthless. We grew up believing that if we stayed with the pretty/fine, skinny/muscular, popular kids that we were important. We thought we were only important because of who we made our friends. Now that we are older and have been through this abuse something so simple as being called ugly can set us off or knock our self esteem down. Someone saying your skin is too dark or too light, your bald headed, or your stupid can cut us deeply. We can sit and argue for hours trying to build ourselves back up. In all reality we only try to make that person feel how we once felt. We sit and argue to prove to ourselves that we are worth something. Why do we try to convince ourselves that what the next person just said is not true?! We have a crappy way of building ourselves back up. We go for the vulnerable one's and talk about them. We make others feel like crap to make ourselves feel better. Its a cycle that needs to be broken. You have to know what you are worth. If you ever forget think back on all the people you have helped. Think back on how good you felt after helping that person. Think back on how stupid and worthless you felt after making someone else feel like crap. Think back on life. All that you have overcome. We all are insecure about something but you also have that special feature that no one else has. You all have something that everyone compliment you on. Use those compliments to your advantage. Accept them and remember someone else said that about you. Most importantly we have to love ourselves and prove everyone wrong. Show them who you really are and what you can do! You have to love yourself before you can truly love someone else.

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